Secrets of the Lost Tomb (2nd Edition)
The greatest adventure for the fate of the world!
It has been 113 years, and the Three-Tailed Comet's flight once again heralds the coming of The Tomb, an ancient and... (continuer à lire)
It has been 113 years, and the Three-Tailed Comet's flight once again heralds the coming of The Tomb, an ancient and... (continuer à lire)
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Consultez l'option d'achat iciAppreciations
mitigé, 67 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
120 minutes
Publié en
Everything Epic
1 à 6 joueurs
Chris Batarlis, Jim Samartino et Christopher Batarlis
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Cooperative Game, Variable Player Powers, Dice Rolling, Adventure, Solo / Solitaire Game, Exploration et Modular Board