Arkham Horror LCG: Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack (Clearance)

Shattered Aeons is the sixth and final Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle.

In The Forgotten Age, you journeyed to the darkest corners of Central America in search... (continuer à lire)

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positif, 83 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 to 120 minutes
Publié en
Fantasy Flight Games
1 à 2 joueurs
MJ Newman, Maxine Juniper Newman et Nate French
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy Flight Games, Cooperative Game, Horror, Variable Player Powers, Galakta, Card Game et Solo / Solitaire Game
Arkham Horror LCG: Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack (Clearance) preview image


Shattered Aeons is the sixth and final Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle.

In The Forgotten Age, you journeyed to the darkest corners of Central America in search of a lost Aztec city-state. What you found during your expedition may be the greatest scientific discovery of the age, but it could also be the Earth's undoing.

Throughout The Forgotten Age cycle, you have tried to set your mistakes to right, chasing answers about the mysterious artifact your uncovered and those who pursue it. Retracing your path south, you have uncovered secrets that threaten your entire understanding of the world, of time, and of humanity's place in the universe. Now, the last and greatest of your questions will be answered in Shattered Aeons. But be wary - mere mortals may not be meant to gain such knowledge and the truths you seek may destroy what little remains of your sanity.

Contains cards 304-347 of The Forgotten Age campaign.

Mechanisms:• Cooperative Game• Hand Management• Variable Player Powers• Campaign / Battle Card Driven

Option d'achats

Acheter Arkham Horror LCG: Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack (Clearance)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

10,95 USD

Acheter Arkham Horror LCG: Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack (Clearance)
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

16,99 $US
13,99 USD
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Solo / Solitaire Game

Jeux publiés par Heidelberger Spieleverlag

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