Dungeon Fighter (2nd Edition)

Dungeon Fighter is back! 10 years after its original release it has been improved with new heroes, new dice, new boards, and much more! Explore the Dungeon, face ferocious monsters,... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 77 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Horrible Guild
1 à 6 joueurs
Lorenzo Silva, Lorenzo Sorrentino, Aureliano Buonfino et Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Dice Rolling, Variable Player Powers, Cooperative Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Dungeon Crawler et Exploration
Dungeon Fighter (2nd Edition) preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


Dungeon Fighter is back! 10 years after its original release it has been improved with new heroes, new dice, new boards, and much more! Explore the Dungeon, face ferocious monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss using your dexterity and weird dice throws!

Dungeon Fighter is by far the best party-dexterity-adventure-humor-board game (ok, it’s probably the only game in this made-up category).

Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious Monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board. But that’s not all! You’ll also have to deal with weapons, monster abilities and room obstacles increasing the difficulty of your task—but also your rewards!

Some stuff has surely changed, but the essence is still the same: good old Dungeon Fighter gameplay mixed with new boards, dice, weapons, monsters, and crazy dice throws. Money-back guarantee!

New Dungeon mechanism

  • Say goodbye to pre-fixed maps! You will look at two Dungeon cards each round and choose one to determine your next destination!

    Risk-it-all last strike rewards

  • Meet certain criteria to obtain extra rewards at the end of the fight!

    Are you up to the challenge? Are you a Real Hero? It’s time to prove it! Get a good night of sleep, do your stretches, delve into that Dungeon, and get the job done!
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    Jeux illustrés par Fabio Frencl

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