Atlantis Rising (2nd Edition)

What If You Could Save Atlantis From Its Fated Destruction?

The Atlanteans have built a glorious civilization, but a reliance on technology powered by mystic energy has caused them to... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 76 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Elf Creek Games
1 à 7 joueurs
Galen Ciscell et Brent Dickman
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Dice Rolling, Variable Player Powers, Cooperative Game, Fantasy et Worker Placement
Atlantis Rising (2nd Edition) preview image


What If You Could Save Atlantis From Its Fated Destruction?

The Atlanteans have built a glorious civilization, but a reliance on technology powered by mystic energy has caused them to turn away from the gods. The gods will not tolerate such hubris in mere mortals. Atlantis must be destroyed!

In this challenging cooperative game of survival, players are councilors who must use their followers, special powers, and ancient artifacts to escape Atlantis before it sinks beneath the waves.

Atlantis Rising uses an innovative method of simultaneous worker placement, asking you to plan together how to divide your workers among available action locations.

This edition contains all new art and graphic design, created to bring even more attention to the thematic setting of the game. The "Athenians Attack" phase has been replaced with the "Wrath of the Gods" phase, requiring more strategic planning and adding to the sense of urgency. Now, instead of placing workers in an Atlantean Navy, players must cooperatively decide to flood a set number of tiles at the end of each round. To further aid them in their task, Councilor player powers have been expanded and made more impactful, and the knowledge deck has similarly been revised and expanded. The variable gate components, once built, no longer offer one-time bonuses, but create new worker placement spots where players can send Atlantean workers to unleash actions to help save their island.


  • 37 Island Tiles
  • 45 Wooden Meeples
  • 7 Wooden Player Markers
  • 2 Custom Acrylic Meeples
  • 6 Mystic Barriers
  • 24 Mystic Energy
  • 10 Councilor Player Boards
  • 67 Misfortune Cards
  • 33 Library Cards
  • 21 Cosmic Gate Tiles
  • 1 Wrath of the Gods Round Tracker & Token
  • 1st Player Marker
  • 52 Resource Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 2 Dice

Mechanisms:• Cooperative Game• Dice Rolling• Press Your Luck• Variable Player Powers• Worker Placement

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