Middara - Unintentional Malum, Act 1

Welcome Adventurers! Enter the world of Middara, a land of magic and monsters where no one ages, treasures abound, and your average citizen knows what a cell phone is.... (continuer à lire)
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très positif, 88 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
3 600 minutes
Publié en
Succubus Publishing
1 à 4 joueurs
Brenna Moncur, Brooklynn Lundberg, Clayton Helme et Ian Tate
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Adventure, Miniatures, Dice Rolling, Fantasy, Cooperative Game, Variable Player Powers et Fighting
Middara - Unintentional Malum, Act 1 preview image


Welcome Adventurers! Enter the world of Middara, a land of magic and monsters where no one ages, treasures abound, and your average citizen knows what a cell phone is. In this choose-your-own style adventure miniatures board game, you and up to 3 of your friends can explore this ultra-modern fantasy setting as you face moral dilemmas, battle lethal opponents, pursue personal goals, and make strategic and political decisions that can radically change the outcome of the game. Some characters may die, some may fail, others will hopefully succeed. It all comes down to your decisions.

With over 20 hours of narrative driven content, hundreds of unique abilities and items, and an innovative dice-based combat system, Middara is a game that you can play again and again yet never play the same game twice.

In combat, players and antagonists alike have access to unique two-dice combinations that affect their offensive and defensive capabilities. The game includes nine different types of dice that don't just have numbers, but also have symbols on each face that correspond to players' equipped weapons and abilities. This, along with 110 unique abilities and 111 unique equipment pieces, means that the possibilities for different character builds are vast.

Option d'achat

Acheter Middara - Unintentional Malum, Act 1
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

160,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu



Maison d'éditions


  • Brenna Moncur
  • Brooklynn Lundberg
  • Clayton Helme
  • Ian Tate


Campaign Game

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