Legendary explorer Percy Fawcett marched deep into the Amazon in search of El Dorado. He was never seen again. Your team has gone in search of him, but now you... (continuer à lire)
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Legendary explorer Percy Fawcett marched deep into the Amazon in search of El Dorado. He was never seen again. Your team has gone in search of him, but now you hope to escape the jungle with the greatest treasure of all - your life! Make the best of your food, your ammunition, and your health as you plunge deep into the jungle. Choose your path carefully to ensure you`re ready for the pitfalls which may occur. From award-winning designer Peer Sylvester (The King is Dead, Discover India), The Lost Expedition is a game of hard choices that can be played as solo, cooperatively, or competitively between teams of explorers racing to be the first out of the jungle.
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Acheter Lost Expedition, The
chez Noble Knight Games
22,00 USD
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