Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape

Ten years have passed since the Liightbringers defeated the Darkness and made the surface world safe.

But while the Darkness may have been driven back, it was not destroyed. In... (continuer à lire)

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positif, 84 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
1 à 6 joueurs
Alex Olteanu, Marco Partugal et Marco Portugal
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Cooperative Game, CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), Fantasy, CMON Global Limited, Miniatures, Dice Rolling et Modular Board
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape preview image


Ten years have passed since the Liightbringers defeated the Darkness and made the surface world safe.

But while the Darkness may have been driven back, it was not destroyed. In time, it regained its power and has now launched dire attacks on the world. A new generation of Lightbringers must take up arms and fight against it. If you've got that glint in your eyes, wield your weapons, steel your soul, and prepare for another desperate plunge into the Massive Darkness!

In this thrilling cooperative game, players control different hero classes, each defined by their own unique components and playstyle. Engage hordes of enemies in gritty combat, loot their remains to upgrade your heroes, and use the shadows to your advantage to slay your foes.

No game master needed in this stand-alone game that pits players against the infernal depths and beyond.


68 Miniatures  ‣ 6 Heroes  ‣ 8 Mob Leaders  ‣ 48 Mob Minions  ‣ 4 Roaming Monsters  ‣ 2 Bosses18 Dice18 Level Pegs6 Hero Bases6 Hero Dashboards4 Class Dashboards1 Darkness Board2 Bags1 Rulebook1 Boss Dashboard8 Game Tiles395 Cards356 Tokens


  • 68 Miniatures
    • 6 Heroes
    • 8 Mob Leaders
    • 48 Mob Minions
    • 4 Roaming Monsters
    • 2 Bosses
  • 18 Dice
  • 18 Level Pegs
  • 6 Hero Bases
  • 6 Hero Dashboards
  • 4 Class Dashboards
  • 1 Darkness Board
  • 2 Bags
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Boss Dashboard
  • 8 Game Tiles
  • 395 Cards
  • 356 Tokens

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89,95 USD
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