The Fire of Eidolon is the quintessential source of light magic in your world and it has been stolen by the agents of the Dark Sorcerer, a being of untold... (continuer à lire)
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The Fire of Eidolon is the quintessential source of light magic in your world and it has been stolen by the agents of the Dark Sorcerer, a being of untold power and horror who intends to bury it forever in the very same void that imprisons him, even if that means sealing you inside with it! It is up to you and your band of brave Heroes to recover the Fire of Eidolon and extract it from the dark void Dungeon before its arcane light is extinguished forever. Your quest is to search through the Dungeon before you, Challenge the horrors inside for their trophies, and Break the three Dark Relics sealing the Fire to reclaim it...and then you have to escape. Are you up to the challenge?
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chez Noble Knight Games
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