
Root is a game of adventure and war in which 2 to 4 players battle for control of a vast wilderness.

The nefarious Marquise de Cat has seized the great... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 79 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Leder Games
1 à 6 joueurs
Cole Wehrle et Kyle Ferrin
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Hand Management, Variable Player Powers, Solo / Solitaire Game, Fantasy, Area Majority / Influence et Dice Rolling


Root is a game of adventure and war in which 2 to 4 players battle for control of a vast wilderness.

The nefarious Marquise de Cat has seized the great woodland, intent on harvesting its riches. Under her rule, the many creatures of the forest have banded together. This Alliance will seek to strengthen its resources and subvert the rule of Cats. In this effort, the Alliance may enlist the help of the wandering Vagabonds who are able to move through the more dangerous woodland paths. Though some may sympathize with the Alliance's hopes and dreams, these wanderers are old enough to remember the great birds of prey who once controlled the woods.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the region, the proud, squabbling Eyrie have found a new commander who they hope will lead their faction to resume their ancient birthright. The stage is set for a contest that will decide the fate of the great woodland. It is up to the players to decide which group will ultimately take root.

Play as the:• Marquise de Cat - Dominate the woods, extracting its riches and policing its inhabitants.

Eyrie Dynasties - Regain control of the woods while keeping your squabbling court at bay.

Woodland Alliance - Gather supporters and coordinate revolts against the ruling regime.

Vagabond - Seek fame and fortune as you gorge alliances and rivalries with the other players.


  • Cards, Counters, and Faction Boards
  • 50+ Screen-printed Wooden Warriors
  • Double-sided Mounted Map (Autumn & Winter)
  • Rules Reference and Robust Learn-to-play Manual

Mechanisms:• Area Majority / Influence• Area Movement• Dice Rolling• Hand Management• Variable Player Powers

Option d'achats

Acheter Root
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

60,00 $US
48,00 USD

Acheter Root
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

60,00 $US
52,16 USD
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