Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion

You've begged and pleaded with your parents and finally - it's time to get a pet! This expansion to Fort adds two modules: Dogs and Cats. You can use one... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 75 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Leder Games
2 to 4 joueurs
Nick Brachmann et Grant Rodiek
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Animals, Card Game, Hand Management, Leder Games, Kyle Ferrin et CrowD Games
Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion preview image


You've begged and pleaded with your parents and finally - it's time to get a pet! This expansion to Fort adds two modules: Dogs and Cats. You can use one or both. Dogs are loyal. If you play one, it will (usually) go stay in your doghouse. But they're fussy: you can only play a dog if you meet its needs. Neglect a dog, and it'll wander off. At the end, whoever has the most dogs in their doghouse scores seven points!

Cats are fickle. Their actions happen at specific times, and they move around a lot. Cats will be attracted to a different player if their Yard has cards of specific suits, even if the cat's current owner has them too. The more cats you have at the end of the game, though, the more points you score.

Mechanisms:• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building

Option d'achats

Acheter Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

11,00 $US
9,50 USD

Acheter Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

12,99 $US
10,99 USD
Divulgation: Ce site contient des liens d'affiliation. PaytheOne peux percevoir une commission pour les achats effectués via ces liens, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous. Votre soutien est apprécié.

Catégories du jeu



  • Animals



  • Nick Brachmann


  • Joshua Yearsley

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