Goblivion (Definitive Edition)

Goblivion Definitive Edition is the reissue of the 2018 hit game Goblivion! It’s our ultimate version of this robust card game with new mechanics, simplified iconography, fewer exceptions, more choices,... (continuer à lire)
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très positif, 94 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Goblivion Games
1 à 2 joueurs
Jean-François Gauthier
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Solo / Solitaire Game, Fantasy, Cooperative Game, Card Game, Fighting, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et Medieval
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Goblivion Definitive Edition is the reissue of the 2018 hit game Goblivion! It’s our ultimate version of this robust card game with new mechanics, simplified iconography, fewer exceptions, more choices, and every visual of the game revamped.

In Goblivion, you take on the role of a King or Queen grappling with a Kingdom invaded by loathsome Goblins and Trolls. You will start the game with your Kingdom: simple peasants who are represented by cards. YOU will have to decide how to train them in combat in order to increase your chances of defending the castle. The game is about planning, strategy and tactical combat. It implies tough decisions, painful sacrifices and a dose of luck!

What's new?

5 new bosses to defeat, 2 new kings to play, 11 new types of peasants, 4 new enemies and their rewards. A new way to play with a non-static market, a cooperative board and a campaign mode with its tokens!

Option d'achat

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Catégories du jeu




Maison d'édition

  • Goblivion Games


  • Jean-François Gauthier


  • Jean-François Gauthier

Jeux à thématique Fantasy

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