Arkham Horror LCG - Path to Carcosa, The: Return to the Path to Carcosa Expansion
Get a ticket to the King in Yellow once more, and experience The Path to Carcosa campaign with all-new scenario cards designed to add new surprises and challenges. This premium... (continuer à lire)
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Get a ticket to the King in Yellow once more, and experience The Path to Carcosa campaign with all-new scenario cards designed to add new surprises and challenges. This premium box can also store your entire campaign, along with divider cards marked for each encounter set in The Path to Carcosa cycle. Finally, the expansion contains new player cards that increase the customization options of the game. The show must go on!
Option d'achat
Acheter Arkham Horror LCG - Path to Carcosa, The: Return to the Path to Carcosa Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
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