Bardsung - Legend of the Ancient Forge

Do you dream of hearing bards sing your name in taverns across the land? Well, now’s your chance!

Become a songworthy hero in Bardsung: Legend of the Ancient Forge, the... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 68 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Steamforged Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Mat Hart, Sherwin Matthews et Fraser McFetridge
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Cooperative Game, Adventure, Solo / Solitaire Game, Miniatures, Dice Rolling et Variable Player Powers
Bardsung - Legend of the Ancient Forge preview image


Do you dream of hearing bards sing your name in taverns across the land? Well, now’s your chance!

Become a songworthy hero in Bardsung: Legend of the Ancient Forge, the cooperative, choice-driven dungeon explorer board game for 1-5 players.

A horde of hobgoblins have been plaguing nearby villages, and it’s up to you to sort them out. Rumour has it these pesky raiders are taking refuge in the mysterious Ancient Forge. Should be simple enough to venture below and dispatch them with a stout heart and a steady hand, right? Let’s just say you might find a little more than you bargained for…

Beginning with just one dungeon tile, your Bardsung adventures will effortlessly unfold into legendary campaigns of characterful heroes, dangerous enemies, challenging puzzles, and valuable treasure.

From your physical passage through the dungeon to your hero’s metaphorical journey, Bardsung is a game of paths where your choices define your experience. With branching narrative, customisable heroes, and evolving card decks, no two Bardsung campaigns will be the same!

Key Features:

  • Inspired by dungeon crawling and choose-your-own-adventure classics
  • The immersion of roleplaying games meets rich and elegant board game mechanics
  • Over 150 hours of gameplay and 68 highly detailed miniatures. Bardsung even has solo mode!
  • Fast setup — play starts with a single dungeon tile, with the rest laid as you play
  • Dive straight in with pre-set characters, then build your character your way with Bardsung’s classless path system
  • With multiple endings and evolving card decks, no two campaigns are the same
  • The custom GameTrayz insert saves progress between sessions, so you can pick up right where you left off
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Bardsung - Legend of the Ancient Forge
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    180,95 $US
    45,00 USD
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    Jeux à thématique Adventure

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