In Antidote, you are a laboratory scientist working for a giant chemical research conglomerate. When you and your lab are suddenly exposed to a deadly toxin, you must work quickly... (continuer à lire)
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In Antidote, you are a laboratory scientist working for a giant chemical research conglomerate. When you and your lab are suddenly exposed to a deadly toxin, you must work quickly to share your research and discover the Antidote before it’s too late!
In the game, players take turns deciding what action all other players take: either discard from their hand or trade research with other players. Eventually all your cards will run-out and you will be left with just one that you must “drink” and hope it's the Antidote. If this card is the true Antidote, you’re cured and live! If not…you die, but you can always try again!
1 Full Color Rule Book
104 Cards including:
-64 Formula Cards
-8 Syringes
-3 Clinical Trials
¬-3 Placebos
¬-8 ID Badges
-7 Lab Assistants
-8 Lab Romance Cards
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