Love Gloom? Did you know the cheerful world of Munchkin can also be sad and benighted? A place where those very same munchkins are all too often backstabbed by... (continuer à lire)
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Love Gloom? Did you know the cheerful world of Munchkin can also be sad and benighted? A place where those very same munchkins are all too often backstabbed by buddies, dined on by dragons, and discovered by doom ducks. In Munchkin Gloom, heroes delve too deep, plummet down pits, and lose their loot. And that’s before they die.
Clear plastic cards portray the munchkins and detail their mishaps. When stacked, the cards reveal or cover up the effects of the cards below. To win, you must shepherd your party through terrible travails and troublesome tribulations until - inevitably - they perish in pain.
May The Most Miserable Party Win!
Munchkin Gloom is compatible with Gloom and its sequels and expansions. It is not compatible with Munchkin.
Option d'achat
Acheter Munchkin Gloom
chez Noble Knight Games
17,00 $US
15,00 USD
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