Icarus is a game for three to seven players who must don their wax-fastened wings to see who can soar the highest without being caught flying too close to the... (continuer à lire)
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Icarus is a game for three to seven players who must don their wax-fastened wings to see who can soar the highest without being caught flying too close to the sun.
Icarus players draw one card each from seven different-colored decks and must bid an amount of one of those colors which they believe is less than the sum of every player's card in that color. At some point bids, which must increase with each player, will reach so high that they are challenged! With a handy game mat and additional play variations included from the developers at Victory Point Games, this game is sure it will find a happy landing among your gaming group!
How high can you fly?
One 8-page, full-color Rules booklet
One game mat
126 linen-finished cards
30 Feather tokens
One Bid Value marker
One bright red, 9 1/4" x 5 7/8" Standard cardboard VPG game box
One beautiful box cover sleeve
One "Wipes-A-Lot" napkin
One charcoal desiccant packet
Option d'achat
Acheter Icarus
chez Noble Knight Games
19,95 $US
15,00 USD
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