Artificial Player

Artificial Player Mechanics in Boardgames


An "Artificial Player," also known as an "Automated Opponent" or "Automa," is a feature in boardgames that simulates an additional player's actions to enhance the gaming experience, typically when there are less human players available than the game was designed for.


The Artificial Player operates through a set of predetermined rules or algorithms that dictate its behavior and actions within the game. This can range from simple, random actions to complex, strategic decision-making, depending on the game's design.


The primary objective is to maintain the game's challenge and dynamics that would normally come from human opponents, making it possible for solo gamers or smaller groups to enjoy the gameplay experience designed for more players.


  • Solo Play: Enables games to be enjoyable and challenging even when played alone.
  • Scalability: Allows games to be played with varying number of players without losing depth.
  • Consistency: Offers a predictable set of behaviors, allowing players to develop strategies against it.

Implementation Examples

  • Deck of Cards: Some games use a deck of cards that represent the Artificial Player’s moves.
  • Flowcharts: Others may have flowcharts or decision trees guiding the Artificial Player's actions.
  • Digital Apps: There are also digital applications that can control the Artificial Player, integrating with the physical board game.


Artificial Players introduce a versatile element to boardgames, expanding the audience and playability while offering a dynamic challenge for gamers looking to play boardgames solo or with fewer participants than the game was originally created for.