Not Alone

It is the 25th century. You are a member of an intergalactic expedition shipwrecked on a mysterious planet named Artemia. While waiting for the rescue ship, you begin to explore... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 68 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Stronghold Games
2 to 7 joueurs
Ghislain Masson
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Science Fiction, Strategy Game, Hand Management, Card Game, Team-Based Game, Simultaneous Action Selection et Deduction


It is the 25th century. You are a member of an intergalactic expedition shipwrecked on a mysterious planet named Artemia. While waiting for the rescue ship, you begin to explore the planet but an alien entity picks up your scent and begins to hunt you. You are not alone! Will you survive the dangers of Artemia?

Not Alone is an asymmetrical card game, in which one player (the Creature) plays against the rest (the Hunted). If you play as one of the Hunted, you will explore Artemia using Place cards. By playing these and Survival cards, you try to avoid, confuse or distract the Creature until help arrives. If you play as the Creature, you will stalk and pursue the shipwrecked survivors. By playing your Hunt cards and using the mysterious powers of Artemia, you try to wear down the Hunted and assimilate them to the planet forever.


  • 1 Board
  • 55 Place Cards
  • 20 Hunt Cards
  • 15 Survival Cards
  • 18 Will Counters
  • 1 Assimilation Counter
  • 1 Rescue Counter
  • 1 Marker Counter
  • 3 Hunt Tokens

Mechanisms:• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building• Hand Management• Action/Movement Programming

Option d'achats

Acheter Not Alone
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

29,95 $US
21,99 USD

Acheter Not Alone
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

29,95 $US
24,00 USD
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