Sorcerer Core Game

Sorcerer is a 2-4 player dark fantasy game from the creators of Star Realms. It combines the best elements of a strategy card game and a tactical board game to... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 74 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Wise Wizard Games
2 to 4 joueurs
Peter Scholtz et Peter Scholtz (I)
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Fantasy, Fighting, Wise Wizard Games, Open Drafting et Action Points
Sorcerer Core Game preview image


Sorcerer is a 2-4 player dark fantasy game from the creators of Star Realms. It combines the best elements of a strategy card game and a tactical board game to create a whole new play experience!

Each game you will create a unique sorcerer by combining a Character Deck, a Lineage Deck, and a Domain Deck. Shuffle them together to form your grimoire (which contains your dark magic and evil minions) and you are ready to play!

Each deck also comes with a skill card. Together, they show your true name. For example, you might be Ariaspes the Demonologist of the Outcast Sanctuary.

Each turn of the game, players alternate spending actions to play spells, draw cards, gain energy, or play minions.

There are three different battlefields in the game representing different sections of Victorian London. When you play a minion, you must decide which battlefield to put it into. It may only attack and use its abilities in that battlefield. If you later decide you need it elsewhere, you may spend an action to move it to a neighboring battlefield.

After all player actions have been spent, minions do battle, rolling battle dice equal to their attack, damaging or destroying enemy minions, or even capturing the battlefield itself. If you capture 2 of the 3 battlefields, you win the game!

Option d'achat

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chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

49,95 USD
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