Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set

Your Adventure Begins Here!

Belhaim's tower has just collapsed, its wizard is missing, and local kobolds are whispering the name of a long dead draconic nemesis. And that's just your... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 75 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Paizo Publishing
1 à 4 joueurs
Aviva Schecterson, Chad Brown, Keith Richmond, Liz Spain et Mike Selinker
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Cooperative Game, Fantasy, Variable Player Powers, Role Playing, Dice Rolling, Adventure et Fighting
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Your Adventure Begins Here!

Belhaim's tower has just collapsed, its wizard is missing, and local kobolds are whispering the name of a long dead draconic nemesis. And that's just your first day in town...

This complete cooperative strategy game pits 1 to 4 players against monsters, perils, and traps as you become the heroes of Belhaim. As the town's new champions, an unending world of adventure awaits. Choose your character's class; build a deck of equipment, magic, and allies; and explore lethal locations as you journey through an exciting fantasy tale. As your adventures continue, your characters add remarkable gear and breathtaking magic to their decks as they gain incredible powers, all of which they'll need to challenge more and more powerful threats.

This set includes the storybook and cards for The Dragon's Demand Adventure Path as well as a modular core for infinite scenarios that allows you to control the difficulty and speed of play. Supplement your experience with the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, Character Decks, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game accessories (sold separately).

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set includes:

  • 440 cards featuring a wide array of powerful weapons, magical spells, protective armors, versatile items, helpful allies, and divine blessings to help you face a host of vicious monsters, dangerous barriers, vile scourges, and perilous wildcards
  • 12-character pawns representing Pathfinder's iconic character classes from the classic human cleric Kyra to the new goblin alchemist Fumbus
  • A complete set of 5 polyhedral dice
  • 63 colorful tokens for tracking scourges and secondary objectives
  • 1 4-page quick-start guide
  • 1 32-page rulebook
  • 1 24-page storybook featuring The Dragon's Demand Adventure Path
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