Play Hero Realms as a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard! Character Packs add a cool new dimension to player vs player games. Each match-up is a unique challenge which... (continuer à lire)
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Play Hero Realms as a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard! Character Packs add a cool new dimension to player vs player games. Each match-up is a unique challenge which will require different strategies. When playing a cooperative campaign, your Character Pack represents the starting point for your character that you will customize over time.
Each Character Pack Includes:
A custom ten-card starting deck featuring multiple unique character-specific cards
A character card with your starting health
A class-specific minor ability card
A class-specific major ability card
Two score cards
Option d'achat
Acheter Character Pack - Fighter (Hero Realms)
chez Noble Knight Games
5,95 USD
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