Star Realms Deck-Building Game: Star Realms Box Set

Forge your own star realm! Build up your military through shipping and trade, then use your mighty fleet of warships to protect what’s yours and take what isn’t!

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positif, 84 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Wise Wizard Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Darwin Kastle, Rob Dougherty et Robert Dougherty
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Wise Wizard Games, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Science Fiction, Fighting, Darwin Kastle et Hand Management
Star Realms Deck-Building Game: Star Realms Box Set preview image


Forge your own star realm! Build up your military through shipping and trade, then use your mighty fleet of warships to protect what’s yours and take what isn’t!

Designed by Magic hall-of-famers Darwin Kastle and Rob Dougherty, Star Realms combines the fun of deckbuilding games with the interactivity of trading card game-style combat. As you play, use trade to add new ships and bases to your deck. When played, those ships and bases generate powerful effects, additional trade, and combat to attack your opponent and their bases. If you reduce your opponent’s score to zero, you win!

This Star Realms Box Set includes all of the cards from the Star Realms Core Set and Gambit Set, plus a game board and two additional starting decks, providing awesome gameplay for 2-4 players. And the Nemesis Beast and the Pirates of the Dark Star challenge cards provide additional solo and cooperative play options! Each box is a complete 4-player game containing rules and 162 cards.


  • Folding game board
  • Four pairs of score cards
  • Four 10-card starting decks
  • 16 Explorer cards
  • 83-card main deck
  • 13 Gambit cards
  • 2 Oversized Challenge Cards
  • Rulebook
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Star Realms Deck-Building Game: Star Realms Box Set
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    34,95 $US
    24,00 USD
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