You can have defeated the most monsters. You can have collected the most loot. You can have beaten the boss the most times. But are you the cutest Munchkin in... (continuer à lire)
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You can have defeated the most monsters. You can have collected the most loot. You can have beaten the boss the most times. But are you the cutest Munchkin in the Dungeon? Looks matter when it comes to Fame. Big eyes, smiling cheeks, and cute dimples are everything. And only one can win the title of Cutest Munchkin.
The Cute as a Button expansion adds more Threats, more Monsters, but most importantly, Cuteness to the game. New Loot cards and companion Pets will get players Cuteness, tracked on the new Who Wants to be the Cutest? board. The Munchkin with the most Cuteness at the end of the game gains bonus Fame. Just watch out for Cutezilla, the new Boss Monster down at the end of the dungeon.
Option d'achat
Acheter Munchkin Dungeon: Cute as a Button Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
22,00 $US
12,00 USD
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