Deep in the Nightmare of Mensis sits the towering structure known as Mergo’s Loft, and at its apex resides its namesake master. Who, or what, exactly is Mergo is beyond... (continuer à lire)
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Deep in the Nightmare of Mensis sits the towering structure known as Mergo’s Loft, and at its apex resides its namesake master. Who, or what, exactly is Mergo is beyond mortal minds to comprehend, but his host of deadly attendants will strike down any who would approach their master. In this new Campaign, players will first need to discover a way to access this otherworldly place and, once there, discover the means to slay the unslayable.
8 Enemy Miniatures
1 Boss Miniature
1 Double-Sided Map Tile
1 Boss HP Card
10 Boss Action Cards
2 Enemy Cards
56 Campaign Cards
Requires the Bloodborne: The Board Came core box to play.
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