The Kami Unbound expansion can be added to players’ base Rising Sun core box and brings the Kami from the spiritual realm to the physical by introducing amazing, high-quality miniatures... (continuer à lire)
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The Kami Unbound expansion can be added to players’ base Rising Sun core box and brings the Kami from the spiritual realm to the physical by introducing amazing, high-quality miniatures of spirits once only worshipped in the game. The Kami will be able to aid the Clans who worship them the most and can influence the Provinces they are placed in. The expansion also adds the new Mountain Season cards that can used with Kami Unbound or the core game alone.
*This is an expansion. The Rising Sun core box is required to play.
Option d'achat
Acheter Rising Sun: Kami Unbound Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
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