Ankh: Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion

Ancient Egypt was full of different gods that the people prayed to, offering up gifts and devotion. This made the gods strong. But as time has gone on, the offerings... (continuer à lire)

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très positif, 86 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
2 to 5 joueurs
Eric M. Lang
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), CMON Global Limited, Miniatures, Portal Games, Strategy Game, Cool Mini or Not et Guillotine Games
Ankh: Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion preview image


Ancient Egypt was full of different gods that the people prayed to, offering up gifts and devotion. This made the gods strong. But as time has gone on, the offerings and prayers have waned, moving towards fewer gods. As the whims of mankind change, the power of the gods wanes. In the end, only one will remain.

The Pantheon expansion for Ankh offers players five more gods to choose from when starting a game. Set, Bastet, Hathor, Horus, and Toth come complete with their own warriors, dashboards, ankh tokens, and more. Each god has their own unique power that they will bring to the battlefields of Egypt where only one god will reign supreme in the end.


• Action Retrieval• Alliances• Area Majority / Influence• Auction: Sealed Bid• Card Play Conflict Resolution• Grid Movement• Hexagon Grid• Kill Steal• Player Elimination• Race• Tech Trees / Tech Tracks• Variable Player Powers


  • 1 Rules Leaflet
  • 35 Plastic Miniatures
  • 20 Pastic Bases
  • 5 Plastic Ankh Tokens
  • 75 Ankh Tokens
  • 3 Bastet Cat Tokens
  • 2 Eye of Horus Tokens
  • 5 God Dashboards
  • 35 Battle Cards
  • 5 Joined God Dashboards

Option d'achats

Acheter Ankh: Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

49,95 $US
38,00 USD

Acheter Ankh: Gods of Egypt - Pantheon Expansion
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

59,99 $US
47,99 USD
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