
Crave is a new strategic deck building card game, featuring modern hipster vampires versus vampire hunters. Deck-building means that you begin with a basic starting hand of cards (unique to... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 68 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
25 minutes
Publié en
Black Forest Studios
2 to 6 joueurs
Bryan Sloan
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Hand Management, Fantasy, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Take That, Fighting et Open Drafting


Crave is a new strategic deck building card game, featuring modern hipster vampires versus vampire hunters. Deck-building means that you begin with a basic starting hand of cards (unique to your side), and acquire new cards each turn which make your deck stronger. Battle your opponent and use your influence to bring new characters, spells, actions, and items to your side. Each game is unique based upon what you see available to acquire, in addition to the varying paths your opponent may take.

Crave is a fast playing, competitive game for 2 players per set, playable for up to 6 players at a time. You represent either Vampires or Vampire Hunters, and can acquire new characters exclusive to your side, as well as other factions available to either party.

Each turn, spend your influence to gain new cards which make your deck more powerful. Equip items to characters, and create special combinations unique to your side, whether you are a vampire or vampire hunter. Use patrols to block your opponent, and poison their deck with Wolfsbane and other plants. Win by draining your opponent's health before they do the same to you in your battle to survive.

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Catégories du jeu




Maison d'éditions

  • Black Forest Studio
  • Black Forest Studios


  • Bryan Sloan


Jeux avec Open Drafting

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