More of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!
Introducing a new class: the Ranger! These munchkins are skilled animal handlers, taming... (continuer à lire)
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More of the twisted humor of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!
Introducing a new class: the Ranger! These munchkins are skilled animal handlers, taming monsters and riding them! Plus, they're expert archers, making them even more powerful when assisting others.
Munchkin 5 has everything you love about Munchkin, including:
Treasure! Track down the Philosopher's Scone, put Racing Stripes on your Steed, and fill your Canteen of Spleen with Carbonated Holy Water!
Monsters! Beware the Telemarketer, the Poultrygeist, and the Undead Clowns
And more monsters: imports! That's right, unique monsters created by the European Munchkin publishers, available for the first time in English. Quake in fear at the Brothers Grimm and the Snerks! Or just kill them and take their stuff. Your choice.
Munchkin 5: De-Ranged. All the munchkin-ism of a prestige class, with none of that annoying roleplaying stuff.
Option d'achat
Acheter Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged (Revised Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
17,95 $US
14,00 USD
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