Dale of Merchants Collection

Dale of Merchants Collection is a stand-alone game which is aimed at the fans of the Dale of Merchants series. The game expands the animalfolk deck selection and introduces animalfolk... (continuer à lire)
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positif, 81 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Snowdale Design
2 to 4 joueurs
Sami Laakso
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Fantasy, Hand Management, Variable Player Powers, Open Drafting, Set Collection et Animals
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Dale of Merchants Collection is a stand-alone game which is aimed at the fans of the Dale of Merchants series. The game expands the animalfolk deck selection and introduces animalfolk characters as a new gameplay feature. The game comes in a larger-sized box, able to house all of the existing and future Dale of Merchants content.

With Dale of Merchants Collection, the number of decks in the series continues to increase. Included in the game are 8 completely new animalfolk decks. Joining the ranks are several peculiar fellows such as the Wealthy Tuataras and the Connected Emperor Penguins. All decks and content are fully compatible and can be mixed and matched between all games in the Dale of Merchants series.

A completely new feature in the series are the character cards. These cards are received at the start of the game and provide players with unique and powerful abilities that drastically influence the game. Dale of Merchants Collection includes dozens of different character cards adding even more depth and variance to gameplay.

Dale of Merchants Collection aims to ease the storage and organization of Dale of Merchants content from the different games. The game box is able to house all of the available Dale of Merchants content and includes dividers for each animalfolk deck, making game setup and deck selection a breeze. Furthermore, an animalfolk compendium is included, which contains descriptions of all the available decks in the series. If the quantity of options makes choosing decks for a game difficult, deck selection cards are available to help with making the decision.

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Catégories du jeu




Maison d'éditions


  • Sami Laakso


  • Sami Laakso

Jeux avec Hand Management

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