Speed through space on Burke’s Gambit, a rugged company freighter on an extremely important mission. Your crew has been tasked with finding powerful alien technology, but what you find instead... (read more)
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Speed through space on Burke’s Gambit, a rugged company freighter on an extremely important mission. Your crew has been tasked with finding powerful alien technology, but what you find instead is something unexpected… a dangerous parasitic organism somehow made its way into the ship and inside the body of one of your crew members. Join the crew of Burke’s Gambit on a wild space adventure with hidden affiliations and a hidden (even to themselves!) infected player. Split into two teams and take on the roles of Captain, Marine, Comms Officer and more in an effort to discover each crew member’s hidden agenda and who has been infected.
21 Dice
1 Dice bag
29 Cards
17 Health Tokens
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from Noble Knight Games
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