WILD: Serengeti

WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 66 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 to 120 minutes
Publié en
Bad Comet Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Gunho Kim
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Solo / Solitaire Game, Set Collection, Open Drafting, Animals, End Game Bonuses, Variable Player Powers et Worker Placement


WILD: Serengeti is a board game inspired by the endless plains of the Serengeti. This game combines the joy of puzzle-solving with elements of set-collection and engine-building to create a deep and unique strategic experience. The mesmerizing artwork, 3D components and detailed animeeples will guide you straight into the vivid and breathtaking wilds of the Serengeti.

In order to gain victory points, the player must complete Scene Cards by placing the animals on the Main Board in the same pattern as shown on the cards.

To achieve the pattern shown on the Scene Cards, players perform actions to either place or move animals on the Main Board. When animals are placed on the Main Board in the same pattern as displayed on the Scene Card, the scene can be completed. When completing Scene Cards the player receives "Icons" or "Rewards". With Rewards, players can earn points or different resources, and with Icons, gain continuous benefits throughout the game.

36 Printed Wooden Animal Meeples  ‣ 3 Lions  ‣ 3 Giraffes  ‣ 3 Gazelles  ‣ 3 Rhinoceroses  ‣ 3 Jackals  ‣ 3 Leopards  ‣ 3 Crocodiles  ‣ 3 Elephants  ‣ 3 Wildebeests  ‣ 3 Hyenas  ‣ 3 Vultures  ‣ 3 Zebras1 Round Tracker8 Player Meeples168 Scene Cards14 Specialist Cards12 Great Migration Cards12 Award Tiles1 Map1 Action Board4 Video Gallery Bars1 Rock of Ages1 First Player Marker50 Coin Tokens40 VFX Tokens40 Food Tokens4 Score Tokens8 Lock Tokens4 Player Aids1 Rulebook


  • 36 Printed Wooden Animal Meeples
    • 3 Lions
    • 3 Giraffes
    • 3 Gazelles
    • 3 Rhinoceroses
    • 3 Jackals
    • 3 Leopards
    • 3 Crocodiles
    • 3 Elephants
    • 3 Wildebeests
    • 3 Hyenas
    • 3 Vultures
    • 3 Zebras
  • 1 Round Tracker
  • 8 Player Meeples
  • 168 Scene Cards
  • 14 Specialist Cards
  • 12 Great Migration Cards
  • 12 Award Tiles
  • 1 Map
  • 1 Action Board
  • 4 Video Gallery Bars
  • 1 Rock of Ages
  • 1 First Player Marker
  • 50 Coin Tokens
  • 40 VFX Tokens
  • 40 Food Tokens
  • 4 Score Tokens
  • 8 Lock Tokens
  • 4 Player Aids
  • 1 Rulebook


Option d'achat

Acheter WILD: Serengeti
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

60,00 $US
45,00 USD
Divulgation: Ce site contient des liens d'affiliation. PaytheOne peux percevoir une commission pour les achats effectués via ces liens, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous. Votre soutien est apprécié.

Catégories du jeu



  • Animals
  • Photography


  • Gunho Kim


  • Hani Chang
  • Sophia Kang

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