Monopoly: National Parks Get Wild

National Parks: Get Wild is an edge-of-your-seat dice game, where players race to restore ecosystems by returning animals to their respective parks. Roll the dice as fast as you can... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
3 to 6 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Family Game, USAOpoly, Dexterity et Dexterity Game
Monopoly: National Parks Get Wild preview image


National Parks: Get Wild is an edge-of-your-seat dice game, where players race to restore ecosystems by returning animals to their respective parks. Roll the dice as fast as you can to be the one to have a park with only the required animals before other players. Showcasing 12 iconic National Parks with custom illustrations and fun facts about each park and the 6 featured animals, players will learn while having fun. It’s a wild dexterity game that features dice-rolling, habitat restoration fun for the whole family!

Option d'achat

Acheter Monopoly: National Parks Get Wild
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

17,95 $US
12,00 USD
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