Planet Steam is a board game in which two to five players take the roles of entrepreneurs in a steampunk boomtown, racing to assemble equipment, claim plots of land, extract... (continuer à lire)
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Planet Steam is a board game in which two to five players take the roles of entrepreneurs in a steampunk boomtown, racing to assemble equipment, claim plots of land, extract resources, and accumulate riches. After harvesting resources using tanks and converters, players must buy and sell those resources in a volatile and ever-shifting market. The one who earns the most income will, in the end, be victorious. However, only through shrewd resource management and clever manipulation of supply and demand can a player reign supreme!
Planet Steam includes:
1 Game Board
1 Rulebook
5 Reference Sheets
35 Plastic Tanks with 55 Converter and Supercharger attachments
Nearly 350 Markers and Tokens
1 Support Airship Marker with Plastic Stand
67 Cards
1 Six-Sided Die
In order to sleeve your cards for this game, you would need 2 packs of FFGFFS03 - Standard American Board Game Size Sleeves.
Option d'achat
Acheter Planet Steam (2nd Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
19,95 $US
14,95 USD
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