Star Wars - X-Wing Miniatures Game: TIE Punisher Expansion Pack (Wave 7)
A beefier version of the TIE bomber, the TIE punisher built upon that starfighter’s success by adding shielding, a second bomb chute, and three additional ordnance pods, each equipped with... (continuer à lire)
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A beefier version of the TIE bomber, the TIE punisher built upon that starfighter’s success by adding shielding, a second bomb chute, and three additional ordnance pods, each equipped with a twin ion engine. It arrives to X-Wing as a devastating Imperial starship in the TIE Punisher Expansion Pack, accompanied by four ship cards and a punishing array of nine explosive upgrades, with which you can obliterate your enemies. In addition to boasting a slightly larger payload than the TIE bomber, the TIE punisher invites Imperial players to perfect their bombing skills by taking advantage of both its innate boost action and its ability to equip a system upgrade like Advanced Sensors. With Advanced Sensors, the TIE punisher can boost into position to drop a bomb right in front of an enemy fighter, and then it can immediately perform its maneuver to fly away.
In order to sleeve your cards for this game, you would need 1 pack of FFGFFS01 - Card Sleeves - Mini American Board Game Size Sleeves and 1 pack of FFGFFS05 - Standard CCG Size Sleeves.
Option d'achat
Acheter Star Wars - X-Wing Miniatures Game: TIE Punisher Expansion Pack (Wave 7)
chez Noble Knight Games
69,95 USD
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