Meduris - The Call of the Gods

Following the call of the gods, your people strike out to settle at the foot of Mount Meduris. The mountain is dedicated to the most important of the Celtic gods... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 59 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
75 minutes
Publié en
2 to 4 joueurs
Stefan Dorra et Ralf zur Linde
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Fantasy, Dice Rolling, Dice Game, Worker Placement, Mythology et HABA
Meduris - The Call of the Gods preview image


Following the call of the gods, your people strike out to settle at the foot of Mount Meduris. The mountain is dedicated to the most important of the Celtic gods and has fertile soil and plenty of raw material awaiting brave settlers. The fields are full of juicy grass for your sheep, and there are quarries, mines, and dense forests. The area at the foot of the mountain is divided into nine districts, whose rune stones indicate the worship of various gods. As the four chosen ones, it is your task to develop the settlements and delight the gods. Your workers obtain the materials for constructing huts and temples on the high plains of the mountain. Only a player who obtains enough materials, cleverly selects the site of their huts and temples, and gains the mercy of the gods by making offerings to the druid will be selected as leader of the tribe.

Option d'achat

Acheter Meduris - The Call of the Gods
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49,99 $US
32,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu



Maison d'édition

Strategy Game

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