Guild Academies of Valeria
After a long life of service to your Kingdom, now is the moment to cement your legacy with the founding of your own guild academy.
This task will not be... (continuer à lire)
After a long life of service to your Kingdom, now is the moment to cement your legacy with the founding of your own guild academy.
This task will not be... (continuer à lire)
After a long life of service to your Kingdom, now is the moment to cement your legacy with the founding of your own guild academy.
This task will not be the work of a single day. You must choose the right students, hire the most learned professors, and create the best environment to educate your pupils.
To succeed, you must also gain influence over the ministers in the town council, acquire their favors and earn their support for the time when your academy will be judged.
1 Game Board1 Rulebook4 Player Boards2 Draw Bags36 Guild Classroom Tiles20 Twon Classroom Tiles16 prestige Tiles16 Quest Cards16 Favor Chits24 Monument Chits52 Student Dice36 Professor Tokens12 Steward Tokens12 Banner Tokens12 Torch Tokens4 Score Tokens4 Headmaster Tokens4 Gold Tokens4 Magic Tokens1 First Player Token4 Questing Trackers1 Rounds TrackerMechanisms: