Villages of Valeria (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition)

Greetings Citizens of Valeria...

In Villages of Valeria, you take on the role of a Baron in the vast and beautiful kingdom of Valeria. Construct magnificent buildings, cultivate resources, and... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 72 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Daily Magic Games
1 à 5 joueurs
Isaias Vallejo et Rick Holzgrafe
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Card Game, Open Drafting, Daily Magic Games, Hand Management, Mihajlo Dimitrievski et City Building
Villages of Valeria (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition) preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


Greetings Citizens of Valeria...

In Villages of Valeria, you take on the role of a Baron in the vast and beautiful kingdom of Valeria. Construct magnificent buildings, cultivate resources, and attract adventurers in order to become the next capital city of Valeria.

Before Darkness Falls

Villages of Valeria is a stand alone game set in the world of Valeria and takes place just before the hordes of monsters invade the kingdom in Valeria: Card Kingdoms. The Kingdom has been established and the King is looking for the greatest Village to name the next capital city of Valeria. In order to accomplish this, you'll have to outwit your fellow Baron's by selecting the best actions and making sure to follow your opponents actions as best you can.

Game Play Overview

During a turn, the Active Player will select one of five Actions to perform. After the Active Player has performed their selected Action, each player will have a chance to follow that same action but at a slight disadvantage.


  • 84 Building Cards
  • 16 Adventurer Cards
  • 5 Castle Cards
  • 6 Reference Cards
  • 30 Wood Coins
  • 1 Wood Active Player Token
  • 1 Rulebook & Action Card
  • 1 Box & Box Sleeve

    Deluxe Contents:

  • Deluxe Box Sleeve
  • Card Sleeve-Friendly Tall Box

    Plastic Insert with:

  • Separate Card and Bits Wells
  • Foam Spacers & Bits Cover
  • 5 Tabbed Divider Cards
  • Action Selection Tile
  • Tableau Tracker

    Kickstarter Bonus Pack

    4 Adventure Cards
    8 Events Cards
    1 Reference Card

    Bonus Expansions

  • Expansion 1 - Guildhalls
  • Expansion 2 - Monuments
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Villages of Valeria (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition)
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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    Divulgation: Ce site contient des liens d'affiliation. PaytheOne peux percevoir une commission pour les achats effectués via ces liens, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous. Votre soutien est apprécié.

    Catégories du jeu




    Maison d'édition


    • Isaias Vallejo
    • Rick Holzgrafe