Arkham Horror: The Card Game - Into the Maelstrom: Mythos Pack
Throughout your Innsmouth investigations, you have ventured into tide-hollowed caves and dripping tunnels—but these watery caverns are only the antechamber of the Deep Ones’ domain. A hidden city rests beneath... (continuer à lire)
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Throughout your Innsmouth investigations, you have ventured into tide-hollowed caves and dripping tunnels—but these watery caverns are only the antechamber of the Deep Ones’ domain. A hidden city rests beneath the choppy waves of the North Atlantic, slumbering at the bottom of the ocean. If you’re going to protect the world from suffering the same fate as Innsmouth, you’ll need to venture into the heart of the storm.
Within the Into the Maelstrom Mythos Pack, you’ll find the final scenario of The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, inviting you and your fellow investigators to dive into the darkness beneath the waves and confront the Deep Ones in their own city—putting an end to this threat forever. Combined with the addition of new player cards to upgrade your decks, Into the Maelstrom is a perfect capstone for a cycle of danger and mystery.
Not a standalone product. Requires Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Innsmouth Conspiracy deluxe expansion to play.
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chez Noble Knight Games
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