Arkham Horror: Curse of the Dark Pharaoh Expansion (1st Printing)
This card expansion for the Arkham Horror board game introduces a few new card types, including 22 Exhibit items (ancient relics from the strange and somewhat disturbing visiting museum exhibit),... (continuer à lire)
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This card expansion for the Arkham Horror board game introduces a few new card types, including 22 Exhibit items (ancient relics from the strange and somewhat disturbing visiting museum exhibit), 18 "Barred from Neighborhood" cards, four Benefit cards, and four Detriment cards. The expansion also includes 45 new Arkham Location cards, 27 new Gate cards, 18 new Mythos cards, 21 new Spells, and 7 Allies—166 new cards in all!
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Acheter Arkham Horror: Curse of the Dark Pharaoh Expansion (1st Printing)
chez Noble Knight Games
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