Have you ever looked up in the sky, at all the stars, at the marvel of the universe and felt a curios nerve inside wanting to travel to these stars,... (read more)
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Have you ever looked up in the sky, at all the stars, at the marvel of the universe and felt a curios nerve inside wanting to travel to these stars, see the planets there and maybe find life?
Represent a country that takes part in the world’s first warp driven space exploration. Try to find life, substance and construct new inventions in space during the journey. Find intelligent life that may join your crew. Try to gain advantages in smart moves or romantic initiatives in between visited systems. Return to Earth as the most famous of the participating crews.
Big circular board
separate player bards, 375 cards, 100+ plastic tokens, 30wooden tokens, 400+ cardboard tokens
8 ships and 5 connectors in 3d plastic, sleeves, cloth bags and much more.
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Buy Expedition Zetta
from Noble Knight Games
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