Terraforming Mars - Ares Expedition: Ares Expedition - Discovery, Foundations, Crisis (Kickstarter Edition)

Your work as terraformers is never truly complete. From the very first footprint left in the red dust of our new home, to the future calamities that could very well... (read more)
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positive, 84% of all reviews are favorable
60 minutes
Stronghold Games
1 to 6 players
Jacob Fryxelius, Nick Little, Nick Little (I), and Sydney Engelstein
Game's Categories
Science Fiction, Hand Management, Variable Player Powers, Stronghold Games, Space, Card Game, and Cooperative Game
Terraforming Mars - Ares Expedition: Ares Expedition - Discovery, Foundations, Crisis (Kickstarter Edition) preview imageCheck out the purchase option here


Your work as terraformers is never truly complete. From the very first footprint left in the red dust of our new home, to the future calamities that could very well bring its end, you must always strive for greatness. Humanity needs a new home amongst the stars. You are the one who will secure it for them.

This box contains three expansions for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition. Each provides new mechanics and ways to enjoy the original game.

Discovery contains all new card mechanics, and Awards and Milestones.

Foundations increases the player count to up to six players.

Crisis is a cooperative game mode where players must race to save their civilization on Mars after a catastrophic asteroid strike.

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Buy Terraforming Mars - Ares Expedition: Ares Expedition - Discovery, Foundations, Crisis (Kickstarter Edition)
from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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Games published by Stronghold Games

Games illustrated by William Bricker