Dice Rolling

Dice Rolling in Board Games

Dice rolling is a fundamental game mechanic found in many board games. It introduces chance and probability, affecting both the strategy and outcome of the game.

Purpose and Function

Dice serve as random number generators, creating unpredictable results that can determine:

  • Movement (e.g., in "Monopoly")
  • Combat outcomes (e.g., in "Risk")
  • Resource generation (e.g., in "Catan")
  • Skill checks (e.g., in "Dungeons & Dragons")

Impact on Gameplay

Dice rolling can add excitement and tension, as players hope for favorable outcomes. It also:

  • Balances skill gaps between players
  • Creates a dynamic gaming experience
  • Influences decision-making and risk assessment


  • Number of dice: Using multiple dice changes the probability distribution (more dice typically result in a bell curve of outcomes).
  • Type of dice: Aside from the standard six-sided die (d6), games may use dice with varying numbers of sides (d4, d8, d10, d12, d20).
  • Modifiers: Adding or subtracting values, or rolling additional dice under certain conditions, can add complexity.
  • Custom dice: Some games feature dice with symbols or colors instead of numbers.

In conclusion, dice rolling is a versatile mechanic that can be tailored to suit the desired level of randomness and strategy for a board game.

Dice Rolling and Dexterity games

Dice Rolling and Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game games

Dice Rolling games published by Korea Boardgames Co., Ltd.

Puzzle themed games with Dice Rolling

Dice Rolling games published by Queen Games

Dice Rolling and Open Drafting games

Dice Rolling games designed by Keith Matejka

Dice Rolling and Bluffing games

Dice Rolling games developed by Gavan Brown

Dice Rolling games published by Roxley

Dice Rolling and Set Collection games

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