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Doomtown Reloaded: Doomtown - Reloaded is not currently available from any of our partners. Add it to your wishlist to be the first notified when it is.
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group), Alderac Entertainment Group, Card Game, Fantasy, Hand Management, Variable Player Powers, and Area Majority / Influence
It’s your chance to take it to the streets of Gomorra and show who runs the most dangerous boomtown in the West. The Weird West!
Doomtown is an expandable card game set in the Deadlands universe. Based on the classic collectible game, Doomtown: Reloaded is a fast-paced game of gun slingin’, spell slingin’ and mud-slingin’! Use poker hands and card pulls for everything from gunfights to summoning abominations.
Doomtown: Reloaded puts you in charge of one of the four main outfits vying for control of Gomorra: The Law Dogs, the Sloane Gang, the Morgan Cattle Company, and the Fourth Ring.
Who will control the town? Slap leather in the town square and join in the story.
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Buy Doomtown Reloaded: Doomtown - Reloaded
from Noble Knight Games
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