Deep Dive

Deep Dive is a fast and fun push-your-luck set collection game from the team that brought you hit the game Point Salad! Use your waddle of penguins to dive... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 67 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)
1 à 6 joueurs
Molly Johnson, Robert Melvin et Shawn Stankewich
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group), Alderac Entertainment Group, Shawn Stankewich, Set Collection, Animals, Molly Johnson et Push Your Luck


Deep Dive is a fast and fun push-your-luck set collection game from the team that brought you hit the game Point Salad! Use your waddle of penguins to dive deep into the ocean to amass the most bountiful collection of food!

Turns are simple - flip over an ocean tile and see what you reveal. Take what you find in the shallows, or dive deeper, hoping for a larger catch. But watch out, the deeper you go, the more plentiful the predators become!

With easy-to-learn rules and a quick play time, Deep Dive is the perfect fast and exciting game for the whole family!


  • 160 Ocean Tiles
  • 18 Deluxe Wooden Penguins
  • 1 Start Player/Last Dive Token
  • 1 Rulebook

Mechanisms:• Push Your Luck• Set Collection

Option d'achats

Acheter Deep Dive
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

24,99 $US
19,99 USD

Acheter Deep Dive
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

22,95 USD
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Catégories du jeu



Maison d'éditions


  • Molly Johnson
  • Robert Melvin
  • Shawn Stankewich


  • Molly Johnson
  • Shawn Stankewich
