NOW IS THE TIME WHEN WANDERERS BECOME LEGENDS! BattleCON is a head-to-head battle card game that simulates the action and tactics of a one-on-one fighting game. Each player chooses one... (continuer à lire)
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NOW IS THE TIME WHEN WANDERERS BECOME LEGENDS! BattleCON is a head-to-head battle card game that simulates the action and tactics of a one-on-one fighting game. Each player chooses one fighter from among a vast, diverse cast from the World of Indines, and does battle against an opponent's fighter. Going on strong since 2011, BattleCON has since become a worldwide sensation, attracting fierce competitors from all across the globe!
BattleCON: Wanderers of Indines brings 10 new fighters to the roster. Every character can utilize at least 35 different moves in combat, and each brings a powerful new play mechanic to the table that completely changes the game and forces you to fight in different ways. Unleash ninja arts, magical puzzle boxes, ghostly minions, and more to seize victory!
Wanderers of Indines is a fully stand-alone title that can be played with any other game in the BattleCON series.
Option d'achat
Acheter BattleCON: Wanderers of Indines
chez Noble Knight Games
69,95 USD
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