BattleCON: Solo Fighter - Andrus Dochartaigh, Royal Bodyguard


BattleCON is a head-to-head battle card game that simulates the action and tactics of a one-on-one fighting game. Each player chooses one fighter from among... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
Level 99 Games
2 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Level 99 Games et Card Game
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BattleCON is a head-to-head battle card game that simulates the action and tactics of a one-on-one fighting game. Each player chooses one fighter from among a vast, diverse cast from the World of Indines, and does battle against an opponent's fighter. Going on strong since 2011, BattleCON has since become a worldwide sensation, attracting fierce competitors from all across the globe!

Andrus fights with two swords, each of which gains a special kind of charge that can boost his attacks. These recharge over time, so Andrus must choose when to exert each burst of power for maximum effect.

Draw your blades and strike out to overwhelm your rivals’ defenses!

This stand-alone fighter is not a complete game. You'll need a base game of BattleCON in order to play.


Solo Fighters come primed and ready to play the moment they hit the table! This Solo Fighter includes the following:

  • 18 Cards to battle with
  • 1 Punchboards for the Character Tokens
  • 1 Tuckbox to store them in


    Each fighter in BattleCon can be played with any other base set, against any other base set! In order to fully experience the game, you will need to buy one of the stand-alone titles, such as:

  • BattleCON: War of Indines
  • BattleCON: Devastation of Indines
  • BattleCON: Fate of Indines
  • BattleCON: Trials of Indines
  • BattleCON: Wanderers of Indines
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter BattleCON: Solo Fighter - Andrus Dochartaigh, Royal Bodyguard
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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