Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down Base Game

The world has not been the same since the moon fell to earth and revealed its very core: The white dragon Tsukuyumi, once a powerful godly creature. After a long... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 69 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
180 minutes
Publié en
King Racoon Games
3 to 5 joueurs
Felix Mertikat
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Variable Player Powers, Fantasy, Strategy Game, Miniatures, Solo / Solitaire Game, Fighting et Modular Board
Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down Base Game preview image


The world has not been the same since the moon fell to earth and revealed its very core: The white dragon Tsukuyumi, once a powerful godly creature. After a long period of exile, he has returned to earth to reclaim what was once take from him.

His return has plunged the world into chaos - continents have been shattered and humanity has been virtually wiped out. Tsukuyumi commands his destructive army of the Oni from the marshy bottom of the former Pacific, which has been transformed into a miserable puddle by the upheaval of the land masses. They hunt down the last survivors of the world and the newly made creatures brought into the world through the presence of Tsukuyumi: evolved animals, man-machine hybrids, and more! A fierce battle for supremacy in this new world has begun - and the battle cry is: Everyone against everyone, but everyone against Tsukuyumi!

Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down is a strategy game that removes the element of luck, giving players the challenge of winning based on their tactics and skills. Choose one of four different factions, conquer territories, and battle your opponents to earn the most victory points.

The included miniatures are supplied unpainted and pre-assembled.

37 Area Tiles3 Moon Tile Pieces37 Action Cards1 Victory Point Board13 Blockade/Passage Markers15 Unstable Markers15 Radioactive Markers10 Negation Markers15 Tsukuyumi Markers1 Oni Combat Card2 Legendary Oni Cards2 Round Markers4 Homezones1 Initiative Board25 Faction Cards23 Event Cards4 Initiative Markers4 x 4 Stats Sheets130 Territory Markers4 Mission Cards20 Mines Markers12 Weapons Markers35 Terraforming Markers25 Egg Markers4 Cybersamurai Markers4 Faction Sheets  ‣ Nomads  ‣ Dark Seed  ‣ Boarlords  ‣ Cybersamurai21 Oni Miniatures15 Nomads Miniatures38 Dark Seed Miniatures23 Boarlords Miniatures20 Cybersamurai Miniatures1 Rulebook1 Codex

Mechanisms:• Area Majority / Influence• Drafting• Hexagon Grid• Modular Board• Variable Phase Order


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