Vampire, The Elf, & The Cthulhu, The

"Night, almost total darkness. Only rarely the pale glow of the moon could find space between the thick clouds to slightly illuminate the landscape. But he had no need of... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
2 to 5 joueurs
Luca Ricci
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Card Game et
Vampire, The Elf, & The Cthulhu, The preview image


"Night, almost total darkness. Only rarely the pale glow of the moon could find space between the thick clouds to slightly illuminate the landscape. But he had no need of the moon to locate his target, his eyes were able to see in the darkness better than anyone else. He moved slowly, not to avoid making any noise, his movements were always soft, almost ethereal: never in his eternal life he had been sensed by his prey; a few more steps and he would be on target. It was there, unaware, helpless in front of his attack: a quickly and decisively move and its neck would not have even realized to be drilled. No worries, no tension, the cold calm that always filled him, made him perfect for this task. Suddenly the beating of wings, a night bird, inappropriate and unwanted, alerted the defenseless creature. But it was too late to avoid the arrow..."

The Vampire, the Elf and the Cthulhu is a strategic card game where players represent writers who are trying to complete a novel together. Each writer competes with the others to include in the story his favorite plots, settings and characters.


  • 54 Novel cards
  • 12 Objective cards
  • 4 Aid cards
  • 8 Quill's Pen markers (2 wooden meeples per player color)
  • 16 Personal Ink tokens (4 wooden discs per player color)
  • 24 Ink tokens (wooden black cubes)
  • Rulebook strategic version
  • Rulebook storytelling version
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Vampire, The Elf, & The Cthulhu, The
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    29,95 $US
    24,00 USD
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