
Build a Subway Line to Shape the City's Future

The city is growing, and you've been hired to build a subway line to meet the transportation needs of its residents.... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 63 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
25 minutes
Publié en
Inside Up Games
1 à 5 joueurs
Earl Aspiras, Thomas Volpe et Tom Volpe
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Economic, End Game Bonuses, Network and Route Building, Tile Placement, Income, Variable Set-up et Maldito Games


Build a Subway Line to Shape the City's Future

The city is growing, and you've been hired to build a subway line to meet the transportation needs of its residents. Carefully plan your actions and manage your resources to accomplish both private and public objectives, earning prestige. Drive up costs for your competitors, or make connections with their stops to optimize your route.

At the end of three years, the project comes to an end and the player with the most prestige wins! Will your project stay on track, or will it go off the rails?

1 Score Pad1 Main Board1 Year Marker1 Turn Order Card1 Direction Marker5 Prime Hubs5 Player Boards5 Player Aid Cards5 Capacity Markers5 Cycle Markers5 Bonus Markers5 Player Markers8 Automa Cards14 Solo Mode Cards18 Project Cards21 Demand Tokens24 Development Tiles28 Upgrade Tiles35 Agenda Cards40 Lobbyists54 Coin Tokens55 Resources60 Station Discs160 Rails


  • 1 Score Pad
  • 1 Main Board
  • 1 Year Marker
  • 1 Turn Order Card
  • 1 Direction Marker
  • 5 Prime Hubs
  • 5 Player Boards
  • 5 Player Aid Cards
  • 5 Capacity Markers
  • 5 Cycle Markers
  • 5 Bonus Markers
  • 5 Player Markers
  • 8 Automa Cards
  • 14 Solo Mode Cards
  • 18 Project Cards
  • 21 Demand Tokens
  • 24 Development Tiles
  • 28 Upgrade Tiles
  • 35 Agenda Cards
  • 40 Lobbyists
  • 54 Coin Tokens
  • 55 Resources
  • 60 Station Discs
  • 160 Rails


Option d'achats

Acheter Terminus
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

62,00 $US
49,99 USD

Acheter Terminus
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

51,95 USD
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