Solar 175

It's been 175 years since the unspeakable war. After this horrific event, humanity left control of the Solar System's vast resources to just one governmental organization, the United Federation of... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 73 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Cogito Ergo Meeple
1 à 4 joueurs
Madeleine Adams, Joseph Adams et Joseph N Adams
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Science Fiction, Worker Placement, Economic, Exploration, Miniatures, Area Majority / Influence et Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
Solar 175 preview image


It's been 175 years since the unspeakable war. After this horrific event, humanity left control of the Solar System's vast resources to just one governmental organization, the United Federation of the Solar System. A vast and corrupt inter-global governance, set up in the ashes of destruction. There is endless wealth available in the galaxy and only the most ruthless will prosper.

Solar 175 is an epic, euro-style legacy experience for 1-5 players set in a dystopian, sci-fi future. The game utilizes an innovative fusion of bag-building, area control, and worker placement.

Double-layer Box Insert4 Indented Player Boards54 Mini Cards89 Large Square Cards24 Transparent BioDomes37 Punchboard Tokens1 Ballot Box1 Worldbuilding Magazine4 Drawstring Bags68 Wooden Outpost Tokens30 Wooden Mined Resource Tokens25 Foiled Stickers17 Regular Stickers1 Dry-erase Pen9 Spacecraft Miniatures20 Envelopes & 4 Boxes of Hidden Content


  • Double-layer Box Insert
  • 4 Indented Player Boards
  • 54 Mini Cards
  • 89 Large Square Cards
  • 24 Transparent BioDomes
  • 37 Punchboard Tokens
  • 1 Ballot Box
  • 1 Worldbuilding Magazine
  • 4 Drawstring Bags
  • 68 Wooden Outpost Tokens
  • 30 Wooden Mined Resource Tokens
  • 25 Foiled Stickers
  • 17 Regular Stickers
  • 1 Dry-erase Pen
  • 9 Spacecraft Miniatures
  • 20 Envelopes & 4 Boxes of Hidden Content


Option d'achats

Acheter Solar 175
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

65,00 USD

Acheter Solar 175
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

99,99 $US
89,99 USD
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